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Financial management

Teacher Edwin Diaz Categories Account Management Language


title GST stands for Goods and Services Tax. It is an integrated tax that will replace all the present indirect taxes and levies on the manufacture, sale and consumption of goods, and services at the national level. It will replace and unify all indirect taxes levied on goods and services by the Indian Central and State governments. The GST Bill has been passed by the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha. And the Bill is proposed to take the shape of an Act w.e.f. 1st of April, 2017. Please explore the Model GST Law to know more about GST.


Edwin Diaz


Edwin Diaz is ... Read More

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Course Features

  • 5   Lectures
  • 0  Quizzes
  • Duration2   Weeks  
  • Skill LevelBeginner 
  • Enrolled Students2
  • Assessments Yes