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Agile with Atlassian Jira

Teacher Anthony Alicia Categories Computer Science Language English


title This course discusses common foundational principles and practices used by agile methodologies, providing you with a flexible set of tools to use in your role (e.g. product owner, scrum master, project manager, team member) on an agile team. Learn agile and lean principles, including kanban and scrum, and use Jira Software Cloud as the tool to apply hands-on exercises in these topics. The course includes instruction on company-managed and team-managed Jira projects.


Anthony Alicia


Newly married in Cleveland Ohio, Tony is primarily focused these day... Read More

Arjun Sharma

title Arjun Sharma is has been a successful instructor since 2011. Arjun Sharma has been programming games since 1997 and te... Read More

Edwin Diaz


Edwin Diaz is ... Read More

₹2500.00 Add To Cart

Course Features

  • 31   Lectures
  • 0  Quizzes
  • Duration4   Weeks  
  • Skill LevelBeginner 
  • Enrolled Students2
  • Assessments Yes